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  • Writer's pictureEmma Armstrong

Staying Compliant with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulation 18

As many Care providers may know, there is been a review of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. This is a welcome review and the intention is to make sure that care providers have enough suitably qualified and competent staff to deliver high-quality care.

Staff must receive support, training, personal development, supervision, and appraisals that are required for them to be able to undertake their role effectively.

A key addition to this regulation is component 18 (2)a: which states that Providers MUST ensure that ALL staff should receive training in how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people at a level appropriate to their role.

This means that ALL staff must receive training in understanding Learning disabilities and Autism. It also means that training is aligned to a tiered system that is based on specific learning outcomes staff will need to work on based on the role they play within the business of those they support.

Here at T.E.A we very much welcome this, it is essential that staff have the right level of skills, knowledge, confidence, and competence to effectively support those in their care. As explained by the Autism Alliance Group "Despite the Autism Act and Strategy, many staff in statutory agencies and wider have not yet received adequate training to support people effectively. This can now be addressed with thousands of autistic people across the country benefiting from smoother pathways and services facilitated by better-informed staffing support". This makes T.E.A really happy and we are so excited to support this framework with Amazing Training for those that need it!

You can read more about the framework here:

The Core Capabilities Frameworks sets out the requirements of training in accordance with roles as set out below:

To provide you with an overview of each tier, as highlighted in the Core Capabilities Framework you will see the following:

Tier 1

People who require a general understanding of autism and the support autistic people may need. This is relevant to those working in any sector who may occasionally interact with autistic people, but who do not have responsibility for providing direct care or making decisions about autism-specific care or support. For example, this may include those working in public services, commercial or charitable organisations providing health, social care, education, policing, custodial care, housing, transport, careers, employment or benefit services.

It would include front-of-house and reception staff. Understanding Autism at Tier 1 would be relevant to introductory autism training.

Tiers 2 and 3 provide coverage of capabilities in greater breadth and depth.

Tier 2

People with responsibility for providing care and support for an autistic person or people, but who could seek support from others for complex management or complex decision-making For example, Tier 2 will be relevant to health and social care workers, including frontline care staff who are not autism specialists and those in other roles such as education and housing services that are providing care and support for autistic people.

Tiers 1 and 2 may also be helpful to autistic people and the family, friends and carers of autistic people, to ensure they are making the most of the support on offer and can plan effectively for their current and future needs.

Tier 3

Health, social care, and other professionals with a high degree of autonomy are able to provide care and support in complex situations and/or may also lead services for autistic people.

This is relevant to staff working intensively with autistic people, including those who take a lead in decision making, practice management, commissioning, and developing or disseminating good practice. Some indicative roles may include specialist healthcare professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, GPs with special interests, learning disability nurses, counselors, psychotherapists, allied health professionals, social workers, educators, etc.

It will also include registered managers and other social care leaders including operational managers who have responsibility for services for autistic people.

Tier 3 would also be appropriate for autistic people and carers/families of autistic people who are involved in designing and delivering training on autism and/or are working as a self-advocate or expert by experience at a strategic level.

T.E.A Training provides training in Understanding Autism and Learning disability at different levels so why not reach out to us if your staff team require their training or updates. Training is educational and in line with the above core curriculum and values as highlighted within the Framework and is Engaging and Fun!

At T.E.A we are always here to support you with your training requirements, so if you would like further information in relation to our courses, please reach out today to:

Emma Armstrong



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